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A rental unit for more demanding tastes/Ceva pentru pretentiosi...

1 500 €/lună
+ Chirie 1 500 €
Mazepa 2, Galati, Galati

Apartament de închiriat


centrală pe gaz




gata de utilizare

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1 500 €

Tip vânzător:


Informații suplimentare:

balcon grădină terasă garaj debara


This product is aimed at those who want something truly special.
Very substantial sums were invested in this project, both in the materials chosen for the arrangement but also in the equipment and decorations.

There are many things to say, but we will detail them on the spot, at the appropriate time.
What I can tell you is that the photos show a state of fact, very close to the final result. There are still important things to do, such as decorating the living room with a floral arrangement on the grill that you can already see, a table and a few more decorative elements are still to be placed here, the bedroom still needs a wardrobe , in the sanitary group there are still some things to finish. A suitable solution for summer evenings will be installed on the balcony, with a table, chairs and an umbrella.

However, you can move immediately, in a few days all these things can be adjusted, without any problems.
The owners are looking for a family or a person who wants to live in a better apartment than what the real estate market currently offers.

A few words about the conditions offered:
The building was completed a few months ago, it has an underground parking, from where you can go up by elevator.

The apartment here is on the 3rd floor and benefits from a direct view of the Danube. Apart from the terrace on the South, the bedroom has another balcony on the West side. The building is surrounded by a beautiful courtyard (with some grass), which can only be entered with an access card, thus offering a higher degree of security.

The surface of the apartment is 80 square meters, and the organization of the space is very subjective. The whole project was based on the needs of two people, so a one-bedroom option was chosen, although the option chosen for other apartments in the block could have been kept, where three rooms, two bedrooms and a living room were arranged.

My name is Florin Cogean,
thank you for accessing our offers,
for other details, please contact us.

Acest produs se adreseaza celor care doresc ce cu adevarat special.
In acest proiect au fost investite sume foarte consistente, atat in materialele alese pentru amenajare dar si echipamentele electrocasnice si decoratiuni.

Sunt foarte multe lucruri de spus, insa le vom detalia la fata locului, la momentul oportun. Ceea ce va pot spune este ca fotografiile prezinta o stare de fapt foarte apropiata de rezultatul final. Mai sunt lucruri importante de facut, cum ar fi decorarea living-ului cu un montaj floral pe gratarul pe care il puteti deja observa, tot aici mai urmeaza sa fie asezata o masita si inca cateva elemente decorative, dormitorul mai are inca de primit un dulap, in grupul sanitar mai sunt de asemenea cateva chestii de terminat. Pe balcon urmeaza sa se monteze o solutie potrivita pentru serile de vara, cu masa, scaune si umbrela.

Totusi va puteti muta imediat, in cateva zile toate aceste lucruri se pot regla, fara niciun fel de problema.
Proprietarii cauta o familie sau o persoana care doreste sa locuiasca intr-un apartament mai bun decat ceea ce ofera piata imobiliara in mod curent.

Cateva cuvinte conditiile oferite:
Blocul este finalizat in urma cu cateva luni, dispune de parcare subterana, de unde se urca cu lift.
Apartamentul de aici se gaseste la etajul 3 si beneficiaza vedere directa la Dunare. In afara de terasa de pe Sud, camera de dormit dispune de un alt balcon pe partea de Vest. Cladirea este inconjurata de o curte frumoasa, cu ceva verdeata, in care se poate intra doar cu card de acces, oferind astfel un grad mai ridicat de siguranta.

Suprafata apartamentului este de 80mp, iar organizarea spatiului este foarte subiectiva. Tot proiectul a plecat de la necesitatile a doua persoane, astfel ca s-a ales o varianta cu un dormitor, cu toate ca s-ar fi putut pastra varianta aleasa pentru alte apartamente din bloc, unde s-au aranjat trei camere, doua dormitoare si living.

Numele meu este Florin Cogean,
va multumim pentru ca accesati ofertele noastre,
pentru alte detalii, va rugam sa ne contactati.

Actualizat: 18.09.2024

Publicat: 22.01.2024

ID: 8318065

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Mazepa 2, Galati, Galati

Despre vânzător

Siglă: Agentia Familia
Agentia Familia
Agenție imobiliară
Bld. Otelarilor nr 29, bloc K, parter, spatiul comercial, Galati, Galati (localitate)

Florin Cogean

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Apartamente de închiriat2 camereGalatiGalatiMazepa 2A rental unit for more demanding tastes/Ceva pentru pretentiosi...

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